Monday, January 3, 2011

Old-time Diners at the Loop Follow-up

It only took a day, but I've already received some help with identifying buildings in the late 1960's photo (at left) from yesterdays post! Now that's service!

As usual, local historian and archivist Dennis Lamont has proved to be one of the leading authorities on local history and a nice guy to boot. Dennis emailed me some detailed Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps showing that part of West Erie Avenue.

The 1940 map definitely shows that the 216 West Erie address was the small building at the far left of the photo. (See below)

By George, it does look like a diner. Hopefully more information or photos will materialize!

I also received an email and photo from blog pal Drew Penfield, whose Lake Shore Rail Maps website is a continuing work-in-progress detailing the history of the Lake Shore Electric interurban line.

Drew sent me this photo of the Broadway Building under construction in 1925; the photo also shows one of the many restaurants (under the partially hidden LUNCH sign above the awning) at the 116 West Erie Avenue address. (Click on the photo for a larger view.)

Come to think of it, my diner history only went back to the late 1920's, so I guess I'd better find an older City Directory and see what was there in 1925!

As you can see, there is a great internet community of people interested in documenting and perpetuating the rich history of the Lorain area, and making sure that it is correct and complete. Thanks again to Dennis and Drew for their help!

1 comment:

  1. The building you have circled was the Dew Drop Inn. A friend of mine worked there. It was small with two booths and 4 or 5 stools at the counter, where you could watch your food being cooked.
