Monday, January 24, 2011

Further Food Fair Fun

Last time, I showed you an old Food Fair ad from 1951 that included a listing of all the different locations (above). (By the looks of that artwork, I think the commercial artist was either drunk or didn't own a T-square. But at least you can read the locations!)

Four years later, the chain had expanded even more. Here's a 1955 listing (below) from my blog about the history of Food Fair back here.

Here's another store roster from November 1963.

Recently, I headed out into the snowy wastelands of Lorain in a rental car to grab some shots of still-standing ex-Food Fairs.

Here's one that was right at 448 Broadway: Bobel and Hersh Food Fair.

Here's another shot of the Jacoby Brothers Food Fair at 1149 Oberlin Avenue (the summer shot was back here). I still think it looks like it belongs in a western town movie set.

The  Brownell Food Fair was at 1302 Ninth Street; here's what's at that location now (below). There was also a Brownell Pharmacy at 1300 Ninth Street. I guess they were both in this building. Anybody remember these two businesses? They lasted until the early 1960's, but the building was vacant by 1964. It's been used for a variety of businesses since then, including a roofing business.

And lastly, here is what used to be Slutzker's Food Fair at 958 Washington Avenue (below).

After driving by these old buildings all these years, it's kind of interesting to find they all had something in common.

It seems that these Food Fair stores morphed into Eagle Super Markets in the 1970's. Here's a portion of a July 1975 newspaper ad showing the new, reduced roster of stores.

Next: the most successful Eagle Super Market!

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