Friday, January 7, 2011

Brady's Restaurant & Pizza Puppies

One of the interesting things about doing a blog like this is the fact that many people don't read what I've written until months, or perhaps even years, later. Thus, even if some topic generates only yawns right now, it might result in comments or feedback at some point in the future (which makes me happy that the topic wasn't a dud)!

A good example of this is the ad (at left) for Brady's Restaurant, which ran as part of a 3-part series back here in November 2009, discussing the history of this popular, well-remembered business. You'll notice that the ad very prominently mentions that the restaurant is "Home of Pizza Puppies."

I had mentioned that I had no idea what Pizza Puppies were, and that if I ever found out, I would let you know. Well, that time has come, you lucky reader.

I recently received a very nice email from Dave Shook, who has kindly allowed me to quote him. Here is his long-awaited explanation about Pizza Puppies:

"On one of your pages there were pictures of Brady’s Restaurant along with some newspaper ads. You made the remark that, if you found out what a pizza puppy was you would pass on the information. I, like my brother before me, worked at Brady’s. He worked at the restaurant, as among other things, as a car hop. Twelve years later I went to work for John at Brady’s Dairy Land and often helped out at the restaurant.
The pizza puppy was a hot dog, always deep fried, in a toasted bun, with a pretty decent pizza sauce and cheese (maybe cheese wiz?). It was great! John invented the dish and even patented the name - but not the recipe."
Thanks, Dave, for sharing your memories of working at Brady's and solving the mystery!
I don't know about you, but that recipe sounds pretty good, almost a cousin to a Chili Dog. I may just have to rustle up one at home sometime (and send a royalty check to Mr. Brady!) 


  1. Have eaten at this place for a breakfast and a lunch. Their newly rebuilt restaurant is clean and spacious.

    Restaurants Zion National Park

  2. My husband and I have been trying to remember the sauce for Brady's Big Deal burger. The sauce and those french fried onion rings on a big juicy burger was our favorite back in the late 50's early 60's. Would love to have those again but our memories differ on the sauce. I think it was catsup based, hubby thinks thousand island.

  3. If it is the Jawbuster double-decker burger (introduced by Brady's in 1957) that you are referring to, I suspect that 'Brady's Special Sauce' (as it was referred to in an April 1957 ad) was similar to what Big Boy was doing, which makes a 'thousand island'-type sauce likely. Midway Oh Boy did/does their own mayo-based version for their double-decker burger.
