Thursday, December 2, 2010

1972 Lorain City Airport Photos

Here's a few more photos from our blog buddy Bob Kovach. He had already sent me the photo of Bill Long's Ercoupe a few days ago that I posted at the end of the article on Mr. Long. Now Bob has dug into his photo collection again and come up with two more gems.

Above is a nice shot of the Lorain City Airport hangar from July 1972. Remember that windsock? And the words LORAIN on the roof?

And below is a photo from September 1972 of the other building on the property – what a great shot. Who knows – this might be the only known photograph of it!

The Lorain City Airport was a big part of Bob's life while he was growing up, since he lived on Mark Drive, which was right across from it. Bob remembers Mr. Long too.
As Bob tells it, "I can remember one time speaking to him over by the white building that was at the airport. Mostly I remember his beard! I also remember many times us kids playing outside when his little plane would fly low and slow overhead. We would all start waving our arms and sure enough he would tilt the wings up and down as he passed by. I think he looked forward to us being out there."
What a great reminisce – thanks for sharing it and the photos, Bob!


  1. These photos are great. Talk abouit stirring up old forgotten memories! Amazing.

  2. Why were utility posts and electric wires stretched across the approach to Lorain City Airport?

    Did Navy carrier pilots use it for tailhook practice?

    --Dale Wilker LHS '68

  3. Why were utility posts and electric wires stretched across the approach to Lorain City Airport?

    Did Navy carrier pilots use it for tailhook practice?

    --Dale Wilker LHS '68

    P.S. Down Leavitt Road from the airport was Brady's drive in restaurant with the pastel neon lights.

    Any relation, Mr. Brady?

  4. Thanks for the comments! Unfortunately, no relation! But for many years, the restaurant Bradys and our family were the only Bradys in town! Now, there's a surplus of Bradys in the area and I'm still not related to any of them!

  5. When my father had his pilot license, he used to fly rented planes out of the airport.
