Saturday, December 18, 2010

1963 Faroh's Candies Christmas Ad

Here's a nice tall ad for the original Faroh's Candies so fondly remembered by Lorainites. (Click on it so you can read it.) The ad ran in the Lorain Journal on December 11, 1963.

I stopped in at the current store at 657 Broadway this week and picked up some stocking stuffers (specifically the chocolate bells mentioned in the vintage ad). The store had a nice selection and seemed to be doing a pretty good business, at least when I was there.

From a marketing standpoint, I think it would be smart if the owners revived the original logo with the candy cane and get it onto their packages somehow. I think that logo has terrific nostalgia value that a generic typeset label just can't compare to.

Anyway, we had an out-of-state friend visit us in November, and one of her top priorities was to visit Faroh's and get some of her favorites, which she did. She swore that it tasted the same to her as it did decades ago, and she left town happy.

So if any of the local readers of this blog really like the idea of Faroh's having a store in downtown Lorain, by all means stop in and buy something. The candy is not cheap, but at least you are helping to keep a Lorain memory alive.


  1. Dan -
    What a great post! Today I posted about Martin's confectionery at:

    My co-workers used to get chocolate initials at Faroh's. Merry Christmas!

    P.S. The original candy cane really is awesome!

  2. Hi Dorene!

    Thanks for the comment! That's funny that today your blog features a vintage candy store ad too--we must be on the same wavelength!

  3. I remember when Faroh's had a shop on Market Street in Sandusky, and your post brought back good memories!
