Friday, December 24, 2010

The 18-cents Hills Nativity Set

Here's one of my 'foist material possessions' (as Stimpy the Cat would say) – a small, plastic nativity scene. My parents bought it for me in the mid-1960's or so, and I've kept it all these years.

Since I put up so many little pine cone elves, snowmen, Santa's etc. around my house, it's good to have at least a couple of things related to the birth of Christ.

I still have the box for this thing, and it's pretty battered. It has a reasonable facsimile of it on the outside of the box. What's interesting is the Hills price tag on it!

Marked down from 34 cents to 18 cents – now that's a bargain!

What fun it was as a kid to go to Hills out in South Lorain (especially on the way out, if Mom bought us a frozen coke or box of popcorn)!

Anyway, I still like to look at this thing up close and enter its little world. Actually for something that old and made in Hong Kong (it's No. 427T in case you're wondering), it's pretty nice.

Give the photo a click for that 'you are there' experience!


  1. Our family loved the old Hill's store, especially the law-away program!

  2. My mother used the layaway program a lot too! I guess that whole concept is making a comeback these days.

    And while she was busy putting stuff in layaway, we kids could wander around and look at the toys!

  3. Hills was great. BTW, we had one of those nativities for years.

  4. I love your nativity, and the fact that you still have the original box.

  5. I have a lot of those plastic nativity scenes. They passed them out to us at catechism in the 60s, at Christmastime. The sets started out pretty neat looking then got cheaper and cheaper.

    1. I need a Shepard and a lamb. Those 2 pieces fell off a while back. Mine is exactly like this one.

    2. Specifically the 2 lambs in front!

  6. I still have the one that my grandparents gave me many years ago

  7. Hi Carol,
    I would check on Ebay to see if you could find one you could use for parts. (There's one for three bucks on there right now, but – you guessed it – it's missing the shepherd and one of the two front lambs!)
