Thursday, November 18, 2010

Geo. L. Glitsch House Then & Now

Remember how last month I was looking through an old book at the library and saw the vintage illustration of the Gregg/Foote house? Then I decided to photograph how it looks now – and before I knew it, the whole thing escalated into something much bigger, involving a half-dozen fellow bloggers, researchers and history lovers. (The whole story is here.)

Well, recently I was thumbing through a copy of the Lorain, Ohio 1903 Souvenir and 1924 Tornado book at the library and saw some photographs of homes that were good candidates for a 'then and now' shot.

But this time, I knew for sure that the homes were still around. (No sense stirring up a big ruckus again!)

Here's the first one: the Geo. L. Glitsch House. Mr. Glitsch was with the law firm of Thompson, Glitsch & Cinniger, located in the Century Block.

I recognized this house immediately. I drive by it all the time, and strangely enough, it was across the street from where the Foote House was located.

Here is how the house looks now.

The house looks to be in well-maintained and in great shape. Except from a few porches that were enclosed, the house looks exactly like it did in the 1903 book.

Here's another shot taken a few days ago on a sunnier day so you can see some detail.

After the unhappy ending of the Foote House, in this case it's nice to see a grand old Lorain house survive.

1 comment:

  1. There's a number of older houses still existing downtown, around Washington Avenue; generally, they're divided up into apartments.
