Sunday, November 21, 2010

F. C. Whitmore House Then & Now

Here's another photo from that Lorain, Ohio 1903 Souvenir and 1924 Tornado book at the library. This one is identified as the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Whitmore.

A 1912 City Directory at the library had the Whitmores living at 225 6th Street – meaning their house was right across the street from the library! I just didn't recognize it right away because of the extensive changes to the exterior.

Here is how the house looks today. Looks like a few of the original trees are still there, more than a hundred years later.

A funny side note: the photo above was my second attempt to shoot this house. On my first try, while I was focusing (from across the street) a passerby walked into the photo and planted himself in front of the house. Apparently he really liked that spot, because he stood there with his back to me for 15 minutes! Wary of shooting anyone without their signed permission (and reluctant to say, "Hey man, would you please get out of my shot?") – I gave up!

1 comment:

  1. That house became a halfway house for substance abusers in the 70's....can't recall the name.
