Sunday, November 14, 2010

1960's Memories of Skyline Drive Wrap-up

Hope you didn't find my look back at growing up on Skyline Drive in the 1960's too self-indulgent! It was a pleasant walk down Memory Lane (East Memory Lane, heh-heh) for me, and it was nice to get it all down here before I forget even more. Thanks goodness my siblings have better memories than me – they're still coming up with stuff that I forgot to mention.

My sister recently emailed me and asked, "Remember hearing the peacocks over at the Davidsons'?"

I had to laugh. I had forgotten all about those peacocks. Yet we heard them every day for years!

Speaking of the Davidsons, I remember that sneaking onto their property (only to be chased off by their gardener) seemed to be a hobby of many of the thrill-seeking kids in the neighborhood.

Then there was the Skyline Drive Block Party, which my younger brother Ed remembered. It was shortly after we moved in, during the warmer months. The street was blocked off at Marshall Avenue, tables were set up and we had a big cookout.

It's funny to think of that now – a very quaint thing, the idea of getting to know your neighbors better.

But I'm sure my memories of Lorain back then aren't too unique. Every development and neighborhood has a history, a story to tell, by its longtime residents. It's a pity that we don't always remember to take pictures of things before they're gone.

There's been more change in many parts of Lorain County in the last few years than in the last thirty combined. You can drive by an old farmhouse for decades, and then all of sudden – it's gone! I've kicked myself time and time again for not snapping a shot of something that was demolished.

Anyway, be sure to document memories and stories of your neighborhood, especially if you have young children. They might find it interesting some day.

They might even use it in their blog!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I live on EAST Skyline, three doors down from the Jehovah's Temple. We're the Halloween house! Apparently our house was built by the developer for his own family. A lot of it is custom and very oddly sized so replacement is difficult but the quality is outstanding! I love this street. With Nardini/Davidson's estate behind us, it's almost semi rural in feeling. They don't let us go down to the creek any more which is sad but I love my neighbors! This is a great area to raise a family!
