Monday, November 1, 2010

1958 T.N. Molas Furniture Store Ad

In honor of Tuesday's election, here's part of an ad that T.N. Molas Furniture Store ran in the Lorain Journal in late October 1958, right before the election that year. (Click on it for a closer look.)

I thought its donkey and elephant political theme was kind of cute and clever. (I can't help but think of Eddie Murphy's Shrek character when I look at that donkey, though!)

According to a Lorain history compiled by the Lorain Public Library, T.N. Molas Furniture Store opened for business in 1934.


  1. My brother worked for T.N Molas in the late '70s. One of the owners recently passed away.

  2. Does any one know the furniture store in willow plaza between west 33rd st and Meister rd
    There was Whalen drugs lawsons, willow hardware di Simone’s restaurant and I believe a furniture store?
