Tuesday, October 5, 2010

1945 O. A. Hafely ad

Okay, enough with the local motels (for a while at least) in this blog... it's time to think about home.

For those of you reading this blog who are from Lorain, there's a good chance that your home might have been built by the gentleman whose name graces the 1945 city directory ad shown above: O. A. Hafely.

And if you've never heard of him, now is a good time to meet him. So please come back here tomorrow for a two-part series: How O. A. Hafely Helped Build Lorain.


  1. Dan I've been trying to locate prints for a home I own on the eastside built by O.A Hafely. The city does not msintain records for this span of time. Would you have any insight if these prints are still around?

  2. Hi Norm,
    I'm sorry I don't have a good answer for you. I would start at the Lorain Historical Society and see if they have anything there; I would also post something on the "You Know You're From Lorain" Facebook pages---they seem to reach a lot of people who might have some sort of connection. I can do a new post about your search after the holiday just to get it into the search engines if you like (I'll need your contact information), but my readership is kinda small--but it does seem to reach the historical crowd.

