Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Farewell Trip to Prehistoric Forest Part 3

I was pretty excited about going through Prehistoric Forest one last time, and I wasn't disappointed.

Here are a few of the sights from the beginning of the trail through the Forest. I think these are some of the newer additions to the attraction, since the colors are kind of gaudy.

I'm not sure what a giant parrot has to do with prehistoric times, but he did appear on a vintage postcard.

And I have no idea what this thing is, but he looks pretty creepy.

For me, the best ones were the old classics that have been there for a long time. Like these guys.

Another classic is the mastodon, who also appeared on a vintage postcard. When you approached him and leaned in close, you got a big surprise – a faceful of water from his trunk!

The last and probably best was the T-Rex. He still moved around and growled, which was a nice nod to Prehistoric Forest's past, when most of the primeval critters moved (if I remember correctly.)

These are only some of the creatures that you see out in Prehistoric Forest. (I don't want to give it all away.) So make sure you get out there one more time before it's extinct!


  1. Holy smokes! Makes me want to reach for my plastic machine gun!

  2. Like they used to say on the tram tour... "KILL THE MONSTERS!!!!"

  3. The thing in the photo is a Glyptodont, or Giant Ground Sloth.
