Sunday, August 1, 2010

Cheese Haven

I mentioned Marblehead in my last post. It's one of my favorite Sunday drive destinations and has been for years. When you're there, it's like being on vacation in New England.

There's a few things that we like to do in Marblehead, and one of them is to stop at Cheese Haven once in a while. It's been there since 1949. Actually it's a newer version. The original location was across the street where the shopping center containing Bassett's Market (another favorite) is now.

Cheese Haven is an interesting place. It's not cheap; you can easily drop twenty or thirty bucks in there and walk out with just a couple of packages of cheese and a beef log. I guess it's the nostalgia aspect (we went there as kids) as well as the novelty of it.  It resembles one of those cheese warehouses that you see in old cartoons – with cheese stacked up everywhere – where the cat security guard (Sylvester, Mr. Jinks, etc.) has to keep the mice (or meeses) out of it or lose his job.

Anyway, here are a few postcards of the original location. (Click on each for a larger view of a mouse's idea of heaven!)

UPDATE (June 1, 2024)
Here's a shot of the current home of Cheesehaven on the corner of State Routes 53 and 163.


  1. Just the kind of place that made Bert and Hubie want to end it all.

  2. This is a really neat blog. I moved to Ohio a few years ago, and I love this place.
