Sunday, July 25, 2010

No Name High School

Over the weekend, I happened to be driving over by my Alma Mater (the building formerly known as Admiral King High School) and noticed that all of the signage has been quietly removed, including the Ohio Historical Marker honoring Admiral King. It's a strange sight.

Last week the Morning Journal included an article that matter-of-factly mentioned what was going on with the various schools slated for replacement. After the brouhaha earlier this year over the renaming of Admiral King High School, I guess the school board wasn't going to pussyfoot around with the elementary schools and middle schools.

Apparently, Irving Elementary is going to be replaced by Admiral King Elementary at the site of the former Lorain High School. It sure sounds like Lincoln and Hawthorne elementary schools (which will open later this year) will retain their names. (So much for my suggestions for new names: Woody Mathna Elementary or Father Guido Sarducci Elementary!)

A new Whittier Middle School is being built next to the former Southview High School. The old Whittier and present Irving Elementary may be demolished.

It's kind of funny that the new Lorain High School will be (temporarily) over at the former Admiral King High School site, and the new Admiral King Elementary will be at the former Lorain High School site.

I guess that's one way to bury the hatchet and settle old scores!


  1. Why not name a school after Chief Malinowski? He was much more erntertaining than Woody Mathna.

  2. Ah, I was only half-kidding. Woody became a larger-than-life figure to me after I ran into him one time at Big Town as a kid and he smiled and said hello. We had nail files with his name on them in our house for years! He really loved Lorain. Alex Olejko too, same kind of guy--loved the town. Either would be a good school candidate to have a school named after them--which means it'll never happen!

  3. At least one of the anchors has been moved over to the old LHS/new AKES site, too.
    The plan is to demolish Irving & the old Whittier, there is no "may" about it.

  4. Thanks, Lisa for the anchor update! I neglected to notice over the weekend whether it too was gone and you saved me driving back over there to find out!

    That's too bad about the two schools being demolished, Irving still looks to be in pretty good shape. Guess my Mom will have to watch Irving, her other 'alma mater' (besides LHS) get torn down!

  5. so are they going to have one built for the new school year? how is that going to work?

  6. This is so disrespectful of one America's greatest military leaders. At the very least they should cover up the travesty with new signage.

  7. Paint it white with black letters, GENERIC HIGH SCHOOL

  8. Thanks Lisa for the 411 on where the AKHS anchor was moved. I was in Lorain last month and drove by the parking lot side of the school and couldn't believe the anchor was gone. I was hoping that it could be placed in the memorial park being planned opposite King's birthplace on Hamilton Avenue.
    Jerry A. McCoy
    (AKHS '76)
