Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lakeview Park 1974 Rejuvenation Plan

Lakeview Park has gone through several changes since it was leased to the Lorain County Metro Parks: a new bathhouse, a new one-way traffic pattern, etc. It has never looked better. (I have even argued that it looks too good – and lost its unique Lorain flavor!)

But for me the real metamorphosis took place in the late 1970's. During one of my visits home from college during freshman year, I went down to Lakeview Park – and the park now had a real beach! I couldn't believe it. Ever since I was a kid, the park's beach was pretty sad.

This March 27, 1974 article from the Lorain Journal explains the whole thing. (Click on it so you can read it.)

The two "before" photos of how the beach looked back then bring back a lot of memories. Not good memories – just memories!


  1. Dan, thanks for the article. Looking at the park today, it's hard to remember how it looked during the 60's-early 70's, when we were kids.

    Also, I got a kick out of the ajoining mother was a member of that board, and I sat in on many of their meetings back then.

  2. Now I'm glad I didn't crop that article out of there! Next, someone's gonna tell me that the Mrs. Weiss Kluski Egg Dumpling Noodles ad brought back some happy memories!
