Sunday, April 25, 2010

Heilman's Location Then & Now

It was sunny today (for a little while at least) so I went out and grabbed the "now" shot of where Heilman's used to be. It's strange to think that the City Center has been there so long that a whole generation has grown up who never heard of Heilman's.

The "now" shot is a tough one because the West Erie side of the building seems to be in perpetual shade all day long. I know, because I drove by it three times today, hoping that the sun would cooperate. It didn't.

I've gotta confess, I've never liked this building although it always looks well maintained, and the latest improvements done in the last few years makes it look nice. It's... a brick box, and the fact that the License Bureau is in there doesn't endear it to me either. The building really needs a nice restaurant at ground level, facing Route 6.


  1. I remember using the Ritter Signs boom truck in assisting the glass company (Lorain Glass - I think) hoisting some of the windows into the upper floors of this building.

    1. Meaning the City Center Building - new in the mid to late70s.
