Thursday, March 4, 2010

Victory Day Celebration 1945 Part 1

After World War II ended, Admiral Ernest J. King paid another visit to Lorain for the Victory Day celebration honoring all men and women in Lorain County who had a part in the Allied victory. The celebration took place on September 29-30 1945. (Japan had signed the surrender documents in early September.)

It would be the third time in three years that the navy chief had visited Lorain.

The following article speculating about the Admiral's retirement ran September 22 in the Lorain Journal, and the ad for the upcoming Victory Day luncheon ran on September 25.


  1. I know that the Coliseum was west of the city limits out on West Erie; I guess I'm going to have to research the exact location. The" Images of America" Lorain book has a photo of the inside of the Coliseum and says that it burned down on the night of May 5, 1952.


  2. A few years back, I was converting a few random reels of film that a friend had given to me and came across this phenomenal footage of the parade from this very event! It is truly fascinating. Admiral King is seen at the beginning of the parade.
