Monday, March 22, 2010

Oberlin Avenue City Directory Listings 1952

Here's a snippet from the 1952 Lorain City Directory, listing all of the Oberlin Avenue addresses south of W. 29th Street. As you can see, it's a pretty short list, and all of the addresses are on the west side of the street.

By 1952 the Airport Tavern had been around for about ten years, and there were finally some other addresses listed between it and the Oberlin Avenue farmhouse (that I blogged about here.)

Several of the private residences listed were built in 1950, according to the Lorain County Auditor website. Curiously, the 3644 address is shown to have built in 1930.

Of the most interest to me is the driving range on the east side of Oberlin Avenue, roughly across from where Lorain National is now. It's strange to imagine one in that location.

In 1952, there still was no Lorain Shopping Center, no Willow Hardware, etc. And (gulp!) no Yala's Pizza – it was still two years away!

Speaking of Yala's Pizza (as I usually am), be sure to visit their new website, The website has a nice little history of the pizzeria in the 'About Us' page.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dan,

    Went to the Yala's site. Is it lunchtime yet??????
    Left a note in their guestbook too.
