Friday, February 12, 2010

Old Lorain City Hall & Police Station Part 7

To bring this blog series to an appropriate conclusion, I decided to pay a visit to Lorain City Hall last Sunday morning to see if the triangular plaque rescued from the old City Hall was still on display. Since the old City Hall had been demolished more than 35 years ago, I wondered if the plaque would still be there.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that the plaque was still hanging prominently in the lobby. Below the sign was a terrific painting of the old City Hall in autumn, signed "Zurkan." (Shown at right.)
Together they make a nice tribute, making sure that Lorain's original City Hall will not be forgotten anytime soon.
(Incidentally, the "pirate's treasure chest" sitting on the floor beneath the sign and painting is a time capsule prepared by USS/Kobe Steel Co. to commemorate the 100th anniversary of steelmaking in Lorain in 1996. At least when 2095 rolls around, city officials won't have trouble remembering where the time capsule is.)
UPDATE (October 9, 2023)
Here's a photo of Lorain artist Ambrose J. Zurkan posing with his painting of old Lorain City Hall along with Mayor Joseph Zahorec. It appeared in the Journal back on November 19, 1973.

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