Monday, January 4, 2010

Well, it's a New Year...

and I've got a lot of great topics in store for my blog, including multi-part series about the early days of Midway Mall and the history of (as well as vintage ads for) Midway Oh Boy (one of my favorite restaurants). I've also been working on a series on the old Vians restaurant and motel complex in Sheffield Lake, and accumulating images for a look back at the Blizzard of 1978.

If there is a local topic that you'd like to see here, let me know! And thanks to all of you who either follow this blog, or check in from time to time and leave a comment. I appreciate it!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this stuff Dan. It does take me back in time and make me think about what has transpired since those times and keeps me a small way, to Lorain.

    Hoy hoy,

    Jeff Rash
