Monday, January 11, 2010

The Blizzard of 1978 Part 2

The Journal published on the second day of the Blizzard of '78 painted a bleak picture of the storm's aftermath, despite the cute newspaper headline that referred to the fact that President Jimmy Carter had ordered the Fifth Army into Ohio.
According to the article by staff writer Carrie Yakley, "Most roads are still impassable, many persons are still stranded without heat or food, and dozens of industry, businesses and stores were closed." The article noted that sixty percent of the roads in Ohio were closed, including the Ohio Turnpike.
The worst of the storm appeared to be over, but by that time the blizzard was already being blamed for four deaths locally. Near Milan, one man was found frozen to death inside a home with no heat. A woman died after falling while walking her dog.
After reading these horror stories, I think I'll think twice before complaining that "It's a blizzard outside!" during the next snowstorm.

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