Friday, December 4, 2009

Gene Patrick and the Passing Scene Part 2

Here's a few more of cartoonist Gene Patrick's The Passing Scene cartoons from November 1965. (Click on each for a larger view.) I also included one of his cartoons that was featured on the sports page during the same time period, showing the football matchup between the Lorain High Steelmen and the Elyria High Pioneers (I love the 5 o'clock shadow on the normally cute Pioneer mascot!)

Looking at these cartoons brings back a lot of good Lorain memories. Remember Mayor 'Woody' Mathna? I don't think any local politician loved this town more. I still don't know why there isn't a school named after him. I remember running into him at Big Town and being really thrilled that he smiled and said hi to me.
Other items in the cartoons are pretty interesting, such as the paving of State Route 254, as well as the "Save the Lighthouse" campaign. And in the "some things never change" department, a sales tax had just gone down in defeat in the November 6, 1965 cartoon!
I don't know what ever happened to Gene Patrick. He seemed to have disappeared from the city directories in the late 1970's. The funny thing is, while researching him, I learned that in the 1970's, he worked for Evans Graphics Arts in Elyria, which later became a branch office (Elyria Graphics) of the company that I work for.
If anyone knew or knows what happened to the talented Gene Patrick, please leave a comment!

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