Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas 1960: Hills Department Store Ad

Here's another jolly ad from December 1960, this time for the late great Hills Department Store out on Route 57. (Click on it for a larger view.) I love the Santa Claus illustration. You don't see too many store ads any more with big custom illustrations like that taking up a bunch of valuable real estate.
Hills was one of my family's favorite stores, and I remember my Mom doing a lot of shopping in there. I think we bought all of our clothes there, including winter coats, for years. We made use of the layaway department, that's for sure.
Going to Hills was interesting, because to get there we had to drive by Oakwood Park. Then we could sneak a peek at the train there, and the 'other' Easter basket.
The best thing about being dragged there shopping as a kid is that if you were lucky, your Mom would buy you a frozen coke or a bag of popcorn on the way out! My Mom did, many times – and I still love frozen cokes.

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