Friday, November 6, 2009

The voters have spoken! (About Yala's Pizza, that is!)

I almost forgot to mention the results of my blog poll concerning the possible relocation of Yala's Pizza. The (unscientific) poll revealed that moving would probably not adversely affect their pizza business. Three out of five people who voted were upset, but would still patronize the place.

I still have mixed feelings about the whole thing. Parking in front of Yala's is a hassle, and a drive-through would certainly solve that problem. And I really hate the idea of that little brick strip of businesses losing a Lorain landmark. But I guess as long as the pizza tastes the same, I'll drive the extra mile.
Maybe I'll mention my humble blog poll to the friendly Yala's counter person who hands me my 1/2 plain, 1/2 mushroom pizza each week!

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