Monday, November 30, 2009

The return of Faroh's Candies... for a while, anyway

A few weeks ago I noticed a big Faroh's Candies sign in a storefront on Broadway. I wasn't sure if it was just plunked in the window or what. It looked like the sign that used to be in front of the Henderson Drive store.

Over the weekend, I got my answer. The Morning Journal had a nice article revealing that Faroh's Candies now has a store at 657 Broadway for the holidays. The store will be open from 10 am to 6 pm.
Click here to read the article in case you missed it.
The store is a great idea, and a great bit of Lorain nostalgia. I sure hope the public supports it!

1 comment:

  1. You were always the best and always will be. I hope to see you stay where I believe it all started for your business. Welcome back!
