Monday, November 23, 2009

LHS Demolition Update 2

I did my weekly drive-by to see how the LHS demolition is coming along. What a difference a week makes... it's like the building is being erased little by little, like the picture of Marty McFly in Back to the Future!

Strangely enough, the Morning Journal has yet to run a photo of the demolition.
I think if the paper had its way, the demo team would head on over to Admiral King High School next. Last week in a controversial editorial, the paper suggested getting rid of the Admiral King name when the two current high schools combine sooner than expected.
I agree with this letter writer that it would be a disgrace if Lorain doesn't continue to honor Ernest J. King, its all-time most accomplished hometown hero.
What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. What is significant in this is not whether or not Admiral E. J. King, the most illustrious Lorainite in history, should be honored. Of course he should be honored. The amazing thing is that the Journal, the mouthpiece of the community, and the organ that one would expect would be most interested in remembering this great man, would assert that his memory be brushed aside. This most likely comes from hiring outside people, with no stake in Lorain, or roots in the area, who are most likely to lean to the left already, never served and in fact despise the military. They would much rather honor people like Toni Morrison, beloved and honored by so many, many, people who never read one sentence of the tripe that she wrote. If you ever do read any of her works, it will not take you long to deduce that she did not really like Lorain very much at all. And it is most likely that those who write for the Journal don't either. Toni Morrison probably had very good reason not to fondly remember life in Lorain, but those who commute from elsewhere to write for its newspaper should show more respect for its traditions. The crusty old salt Admiral King would probably not care less. The generation that saved not only the USA, but the world, has been replaced by pipsqueaks. Who would have guessed that the Greatest Generation would be followed by the Lousiest Generation? Who would have guessed that America would choose for their President an inexperienced elitist leftist without one accomplishment to his name, who never even considered serving in the military, over a true American hero who served and bled and suffered for his country, and then served again in the Senate for decades? Should we expect anything else from such a generation? But this is the freedom and way of life that men like King helped to preserve. For us. And what have we done with it? Still, it is sad and pathetic to watch the dissolution of Lorain and its traditions, even from afar, as it sheds its traditions, and transforms from a vital, distinct, independent and unique city into a bedroom community for Cleveland.
