Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Good Riddance, Rax!

Well, last week the City of Sheffield Lake finally started to demolish the old Rax restaurant at the corner of Lake Breeze and Route 6. I'm a pretty nostalgic guy, and usually I'm upset when something that's been around for a while is torn down. But not in this case.

When it was still Hardees, I really tried to patronize this place. I bought coffee there most mornings on the way to work. I even dragged my wife here for the occasional fast food dinner. "Why can't we go to McDonald's or Wendy's?" she'd ask. "Because we have to support our city and this is all we have!" was my answer. Then we'd sit down to eat our dinner at a nice, sticky table.
I don't remember eating here very much once it turned into a Rax. I don't like eating any fast food roast beef - Arby's or Rax - for that matter. Because it's not really sliced roast beef. It's some kind of mutant, chunked, jelled roast beast product with holes in it. Ugh.
I probably dislike Rax because I can still remember back in the 1960's when Arby's sold real roast beef sandwiches. You walked into an Arby's and the big chunk of beef was hanging on a chain right in view of the public. You could see it roasting and when they took it down and sliced it really thin, it was better than anything you ever had in your life. My parents used to drive all the way to North Olmsted from Lorain just to get these sandwiches (before they built one at Midway Mall.)
Real roast beef sandwiches. Now that's something to get nostalgic about!

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