Friday, August 28, 2009

Lorain County Fair Snapshots

Well, we made it out to the Lorain County Fair last night and had a great time. Food-wise, we pretty much stuck to the script: great Midway Oh-Boy burgers for dinner, french fries and Rutana's Apple Dumplings for dessert. Both the Oh-Boy and the dumpling were fantastic.

The great thing about the Lorain County Fair is the sameness of it each year; as you walk around the fairgrounds, you're overcome with a comfortable feeling of nostalgia that makes you forget what year it is.
Here are a few of my photographic images from the Fair. By the way, that smiling and waving chap with the hardhat is another favorite classic advertising mascot of mine, Willie Wiredhand. I'll have more to say about him next week.

1 comment:

  1. i just love these pictures of the farm animals
