Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lorain Creamery: Scoop 4

A 1972 ad for the Lorain Creamery (top ad, above) reminds its customers to 'visit our parlour'. The ad also depicts the great Jersey Lane logo with the little farmer boy and cute, stubborn cow. (Click on it for a closer look.)
   The parlour - which was the Old English Parlour - didn't show up in the Lorain phone book until the mid- 1970s. It had its own entrance independent of the Creamery and allowed customers to sit down and enjoy sundaes, milkshakes and other goodies instead of a just mere ice cream cone. (Apparently the Parlour had a complete menu, although I don't remember ever eating anything but ice cream there.)
   A 1975 Old English Parlour ad is shown above. There were two locations: one next to the Creamery, the other on Miller Road in Avon Lake. 
   Both locations lasted for decades. It appears the Miller Road location closed at either the end of the 1980s or early 1990s.
   But what about the Lorain Creamery and the Old English Parlor in Lorain? Stop back here for on Friday for a final scoop of this dairy diary!

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