Thursday, July 9, 2009

And the favorite classic Cedar Point Ride is...

The final tally is in and the favorite classic Cedar Point ride is... the Rotor! And here is a picture of it (courtesy of the excellent Images of America series book on Cedar Point). The book also mentions that the Rotor first appeared at Cedar Point in 1961. 
   For you young'uns that never experienced it, the Rotor used centrifugal force to hold riders against a rotating wall. The ride lasted at the park until 1984.
   I always liked this ride. It was fun but rather unnerving when the floor dropped and you were stuck on the wall, unable to move. Half the fun was watching everybody else anticipate and react to it.
   I wonder if NASA uses something like this to train the astronauts.


  1. Unfortunately I missed the voting! I would certainly have voted for the Schwabinchen-- not because I liked the ride. I have no doubt that the gigantic frau deeply affected my expectations in regard to the fairer sex. enough said about that.

  2. Didn't they allow anyone to watch the riders by looking down from the top? Or am I thinking of the scene in the movie "The 400 Blows".....

  3. The Rotor was moved to another amusement park , I believe in Wisconsin and is still there
