Friday, May 8, 2009

A "Rosie" Outlook for Pizza

I've already mentioned in this space how I grew up on Yala's Pizza and how it is still the pizza I look forward to every Friday night. However, I have to mention my other favorite pizzeria: Rosie's Pizza Palace.
   I never even had a Rosie's pizza until I was well into my thirties. It was one of those nights when the wife left me to fend for myself for dinner on a Friday night, so I gave Rosie's a try – and I was hooked.
   It's a very different pizza from Yala's. Very brown and well-done; a spicier cheese, a different crust. I think it's great. My wife and I still prefer Yala's, but every so often I sneak over to Rosie's.
   The ad shown above is from 1961, when she moved her business back to Lorain. (She had started her own place in Avon at the corner of Lear Nagel and Detroit Road around 1958. Then it was back to Lorain, at the corner of Ninth and Broadway in 1961. For a while, her ads showed two locations: 3113 Broadway and 1032 Broadway. But she soon focused on just the 3113 Broadway spot and that is where the business is today.)
   I love the Rosie mascot. Her family still uses it in ads. (They later gave her a slight makeover (at right.)
   Lorain is lucky to have so many authentic pizzas to choose from. 


  1. When I had my first-ever job, 1973, I loved to settle into one of Rosie's booths, with a small pepperoni, a bottle of Orange Crush, a bottle of Frostie Root Beer, and a stack of comic books and monster magazines from National Pharmacy.

  2. In the early to mid 1950s, 3113 Broadway was "The Pizza House" and Rosie was the cook.
    When the owner put it up for sale (but not to Rosie), is when she opened her own store in Avon before coming back to LOrain on Broadway downtown and then home to 31113. The Pizza House was originally a small sit-in restaurant as well as a carryout. I'm not sure when Rosie finally discontinued the eat-in option.

  3. My identity for previous comment.
