Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Please participate in my Pizza Poll!

That's right – time is running out to vote in my first Favorite Pizza Parlor Poll! I limited it to Lorain pizzerias this time, but will cover some of the neighboring cities next time.
   If the chef mascot shown above could talk, he'd say "Selenti's Pizza is-a okay with-a me!" That's because he was used in Selenti's ads back in 1980. (I've spent a lot of time blogging about Yala's and Rosie's, but a co-worker from Lorain recently told me that Selenti's is still really good too!)
   And a guy who really knows Lorain – Lenny Camera – told me that Giovanni's on Grove Avenue is another great old time Lorain pizzeria.
   Man, I'm getting hungry just writing about all these different pizzas. Good thing it's lunch time!

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