Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Good tastin' - nourishin' too! That's Hillbilly Bread!

There are several things that I like to buy at Nickles Bakery. They include Texas Toast, New England Split Top Weiner Buns, Donut Fair Donuts (sorry, Bob) and –  Hillbilly Bread!
   (If you click here, you can visit the Nickles Bakery corporate website and see all the goodies they make right here in Ohio.) 
   I'm disappointed that Nickles no longer makes Corn Toasties. Corn Toasties were little round cornbread cakes for your toaster that came stacked in plastic trays. I used to load up my freezer with them like a World War II - era food hoarder.
   At least Nickles still makes Hillbilly Bread. It's just a nice, soft wheat bread, but I love the package design. The hillbilly character is great, and hasn't changed over the years.
   Just like Nickles Bakery. 
Click here to read my 2019 post about Hillbilly Bread.


  1. but they don't sell it anywhere anymore!!! I WANT MY HILLBILLY BACK!!! NOW!!!! :o(

  2. I use to love Hillbilly bread. We would toast it and spread peanut butter on it. The peanut butter would become soft and creamy. Yumm...Great combination.

  3. I remember a TV commercial for this, voiced by Max Baer(Jethro Clampett).

  4. Hillbilly Bread (same label) was also distributed by Snyder's Bakery in Yakima, Washington. Good eatin'. I'd love to have a T-shirt with that logo on it.

  5. Wasn't there some sort of wood particles in the mix?

  6. I used to eat hillbilly bread when I was a kid in the 60s and 70s. It was made at snyders bakery in Yakima, WA. I didn't know til today that hillbilly Bread was made natom wide.

  7. I recently bought of loaf of Hillbilly Bread at the Meijer store in Lorain and I’m happy to report that the label is still the same, as well as the taste. As for where it is made these days, the fine print on the back reads “Distributed by Aunt Millie’s Bakeries, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802. © Flowers Bakeries Brands, LLC. Used under license.
